• What if you had a personal relationship with your doctor and could call them for a sudden sore throat and actually speak with them?
  • What if your doctor could see you an hour later, or even better, asked you a few questions, Face-timed you to see you and your throat, then called in prescriptions for both you and your sick child without you having to drive to their office, miss work, or wait in a crowded waiting room?
  • What if your doctor answered the phone on a weekend? What if that same doctor spent 45 minutes with you for a preventative visit, getting to truly know you, help you avoid health problems, and guide you to third or half-priced prescriptions and tests?
  • And, what if that type of relationship was actually less costly than your present insurance plan?

Well, that’s where Direct Primary Care enters the discussion.  Studies have shown that this type of relationship markedly reduces emergency visits, hospitalizations, and even deaths.  Relationships make a difference in your health costs, your health, your time, and even your life!

Let’s look at why DPC developed.